T – Z

Surname Variations /
Maiden names
Christian names Age Ship Year of arrival
Tarnowski Tarnowki Johan/ Johann 29 Terpsichore 1876
Juliane 29 Terpsichore 1876
Tasch Carl 31 Terpsichore 1876
Caroline 26 Terpsichore 1876
Jacob 7 Terpsichore 1876
Teike Tuke Frederich 26 Palmerston 1872
née Klimek Matilda 25 Palmerston 1872
Franciszka 3 Palmerston 1872
Franciszek 9 mo. Palmerston 1872
Tobian Tobien Johan/ John 49 Lammershagen 1875
Ernestine 46 Lammershagen 1875
Rudolf 18 Lammershagen 1875
Herman 14 Lammershagen 1875
Wera 10 Lammershagen 1875
Emil 3 Lammershagen 1875
Albertina 18 Lammershagen 1875
Trebisz Trebels Frederyk 29 Fritz Reuter 1876
Wilhelmina 30 Fritz Reuter 1876
Anna 2 Fritz Reuter 1876
Treder Józef 36 Fritz Reuter 1876
Maria 29 Fritz Reuter 1876
Franciszek 9 Fritz Reuter 1876
Anna 6 Fritz Reuter 1876
Franciszka 3 Fritz Reuter 1876
Rosalia 15 mo. Fritz Reuter 1876
Turczyk Johan 38 Fritz Reuter 1876
Maria 39 Fritz Reuter 1876
Józef 7 Fritz Reuter 1876
Anna 5 Fritz Reuter 1876
Tuszynska Tuschinska Marta 19 Friedeburg 1872
Tweilman Henryk 21 Inverness 1876
Tykowski Taskowski Franz 25 Terpsichore 1876
Anna 25 Terpsichore 1876
Johan 18 mo. Terpsichore 1876
boy born at sea Terpsichore 1876
Uhlenberg Franz 33 Fritz Reuter 1876
Urban Franz 27 Terpsichore 1876
Voltzke Volski,
August 27 Fritz Reuter 1876
Maria 22 Fritz Reuter 1876
Auguste 15 mo. Fritz Reuter 1876
Vos Wos Karol 27 Fritz Reuter 1876
Henryka 20 Fritz Reuter 1876
Maria 18 Fritz Reuter 1876
Karolina 14 Fritz Reuter 1876
Vos Wos Frederyk 48 Fritz Reuter 1876
Walińska Warczynska, Warezynska Anna 17 Palmerston 1872
Watembach Wattembach, Wattemburg Wojciech/ Albert/ Albrecht 32 Friedeburg 1872
née Roda Katarzyna/ Catharina 30 Friedeburg 1872
Józef 5 Friedeburg 1872
Mariana 3 Friedeburg 1872
Franciszek 6 mo. Friedeburg 1872
Wazowiak Wolzowiak Maria/ Martha 18 Shakespeare 1876
Wełnowski Welna, Welnoski Józef 35 Palmerston 1872
Franciszka 34 Palmerston 1872
Johan 11 Palmerston 1872
Józef 8 Palmerston 1872
Tomasz 4 Palmerston 1872
Barbara 18 mo. Palmerston 1872
Wersalli Rudolf 37 Humboldt 1875
Christina 40 Humboldt 1875
Antonia 13 Humboldt 1875
Wicki Johan 34 Herschel 1875
Wischniewski Wischniowski, Wisdunewski, Wisniowski Andreas 29 Humboldt 1875
Monika 28 Humboldt 1875
Franz 9 mo. Humboldt 1875
Wischniewski Urschniewski, Wischniewzki Johan 36 Friedeburg 1872
Anna 28 Friedeburg 1872
Antoni 5 Friedeburg 1872
Franciszek 2 Friedeburg 1872
Wischniowski Wischniewski Józef 29 Friedeburg 1872
Wiśniewski Andrzej 30 Fritz Reuter 1876
Barbara 23 Fritz Reuter 1876
Rozia 2 Fritz Reuter 1876
Franciszek 6 mo. Fritz Reuter 1876
Wiśniewski Von Wischnowski, Wischniewski, Wischnowsky, Wisehurwski August 28 Lammershagen 1875
Augustyna/ Augusta 24 Lammershagen 1875
Herman/ Hans 9 mo. (died at sea) Lammershagen 1875
Wiśniewski Wischmwski, Wischniewski Herman 33 (died at sea) Lammershagen 1875
Wiśniewski Wischniewski, Wishnewski, Wisniewski Michal 37 Reichstag 1874
née Orłowska Anna Maria 37 Reichstag 1874
August 12 Reichstag 1874
Antoni 3 Reichstag 1874
Bernard 9 mo. Reichstag 1874
Wiśniewski Wischniowski (mother of August and Herman senior above) Wilhelmina Fritz Reuter 1876
Wilhelmina 23 Fritz Reuter 1876
Karol/ Carl 19/21 Fritz Reuter 1876
Otto 16/17 Fritz Reuter 1876
Franciszek/ Franz 10 Fritz Reuter 1876
Witkowski Józef 40 Fritz Reuter 1876
Katarzyna 42 Fritz Reuter 1876
Maria 22 Fritz Reuter 1876
Anna 18 Fritz Reuter 1876
Paulina 16 Fritz Reuter 1876
Katarzyna 14 Fritz Reuter 1876
Franceszka 9 Fritz Reuter 1876
Rosa 7 Fritz Reuter 1876
Józef 4 Fritz Reuter 1876
Franciszek 2 Fritz Reuter 1876
Witzki Wetzki, Witzke, Witzky Franz 35 Terpsichore 1876
née Brozka/ Brzoskowska, Broskowska, Brocka Catharina/Rosalia 35 Terpsichore 1876
Julianna 6 Terpsichore 1876
Franz 3 Terpsichore 1876
Teodor 9 mo. Terpsichore 1876
Wodkowski Wodinsky, Wodowsky, Worowski Anton 41 Shakespeare 1876
Justina 26 Shakespeare 1876
Anna 11 Shakespeare 1876
Mariane 4 Shakespeare 1876
Paulina 2 Shakespeare 1876
Woicziki Walkrziki, Wojcicki Johann 38 Fritz Reuter 1876
Anna 35 Fritz Reuter 1876
Valentin 13 Fritz Reuter 1876
Constancia Fritz Reuter 1876
Johann Fritz Reuter 1876
Franziska 7 Fritz Reuter 1876
Franz 4 Fritz Reuter 1876
Auguste 18 mo. Fritz Reuter 1876
Joseph 1 mo. Fritz Reuter 1876
Wojciechowski Wayeishowski, Wyzickkowski, Voitrekowsky, Voitre Feliks 25 Lammershagen 1875
Woszewiak single woman Friedeburg 1872
Wróblewski Wrobleski, Wroblefski, Wroblenski, Wroblewski Johan 27 Palmerston 1872
née Walińska Valencia, Catarina, Catherine 19 Palmerston 1872
Wysocki Peter 39 Humboldt 1875
Theophila 38 Humboldt 1875
Agnes 14 Humboldt 1875
Theodor 9 Humboldt 1875
Maximilian 8 Humboldt 1875
Anna 3 Humboldt 1875
Zajonkowski Zazanskowskie Johan 42 Reichstag 1874
Maria 42 Reichstag 1874
Antonia 12 Reichstag 1874
Johan 9 Reichstag 1874
Józef 7 Reichstag 1874
Agnes 3 Reichstag 1874
Bertha born at sea Reichstag 1874
Zajonkowski Mariana/ Maria 17 Reichstag 1874
Zdonek Dunick Józef/ Joseph 39 Friedeburg 1872
Mariana/ Mary 35 Friedeburg 1872
Nikolaj 9 Friedeburg 1872
Franciszek 7 Friedeburg 1872
Józef 3 Friedeburg 1872
Zenke Franz 18 Shakespeare 1876
Zimmerman Zimmermann Franz 26 Terpsichore 1876
Barbara 28 Terpsichore 1876
Józef 11 mo. Terpsichore 1876
Zimmerman Michał 23 Terpsichore 1876
Zulkowski Michal 28 Friedeburg 1872
Franciszka 29 Friedeburg 1872
Stanisław 6 mo. Friedeburg 1872
Zuske Ziester Jacob 35 Humboldt 1875
Anna 44 Humboldt 1875
Johana 5 Humboldt 1875

© Barbara Scrivens, 2016
Updated January 2018